5 Things to Do to Prepare Your Property for Septic System Installation
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Septic System Installation: How to Prepare in 5 Simple Steps

Blue Point, United States - July 23, 2021 / Best Flo Sewer & Drain /

Installing a septic tank can be a complex process. It often requires obtaining permits from a local county or municipality, drafting plans, waiting on approval for those plans, and more before excavation even begins. 

However, there are steps homeowners can take to ensure the process goes smoothly. The friendly experts at Best Flo Sewer & Drain, a leading provider of drain cleaning, septic installation, and cesspool pumping in Suffolk County, NY, recommend taking five simple steps to prepare for septic tank installation.

5 Steps to Prepare Your Property for Septic System Installation

1: Choose a Reputable Contractor

Choosing the right septic system installation contractor is vital to ensuring the tank is safe and stands the test of time—but it’s also one of the most important steps in the preparation process. Before doing anything else, take the time to research contractors. Read reviews, ask for referrals, and schedule a consultation. 

2: Test the Soil

Septic systems rely on a leach field, or series of pipes, that allow greywater from the tank to flow into the surrounding soil, which acts as a natural filter. The soil around the tank needs to have a certain composition for this to work properly.

If there's an existing tank, this step may not be necessary, but with a new installation, it's a must. Many contractors will handle testing as part of the installation process, but it's always a good idea to confirm testing will be done and verify the results. 

3: Get Permits and Approvals

In most states, including New York, homeowners must obtain approval to install a septic tank. Homeowners in environmentally sensitive areas, such as watersheds, also may need to submit a septic tank plan for approval before obtaining a permit. A reputable contractor should have the experience and knowledge necessary to assist in obtaining legal approval for new septic system installation. 

4: Prepare Drinking Water

During the septic tank installation or removal, all water to the home will need to be shut off. Because of this, it’s best to take preemptive measures to prepare, such as filling water jugs for drinking water and working out a plan for showering and toilet use. Some homeowners simply opt to stay in a hotel or with a friend, for example.

5: Remove the Old Septic Tank (If Applicable)

Typically, it's better to remove an existing tank or old cesspool before installing a new septic system, even if it won't be in the way. In some cases, an old septic system can be left in place if it won’t interfere with the new system, but it will need to be filled in for safety reasons. 

As the tank corrodes, it may cave in, creating an environmental hazard on top of presenting liability concerns. Older log-crib cesspools are particularly prone to collapse.

About Best Flo Sewer & Drain

Best Flo Sewer & Drain has offered drain cleaning, cesspool and septic cleaning, installation, and commercial septic pumping in Suffolk County for more than 30 years. Their experts understand the rules and regulations for septic tank installation in the Blue Point, NY area, and they take their dedication to affordability and customer service seriously. 

Looking for “septic pumping near me” or “pumping service near me?” Contact Best Flo Sewer & Drain today at (516) 505-7400 in Nassau or (631) 696-1913 in Suffolk to schedule a constellation.

Contact Information:

Best Flo Sewer & Drain

118 Division Ave
Blue Point, NY 11715
United States

Michael Borino

Original Source: https://cesspoolssewers.com/news-media/

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Best Flo sewer & drain is a family operated business also known as the Best Cesspool Company in Suffolk. We’ve been in the industry for over 30 years, providing A+ customer service and professional service at a responsible price.


Michael Borino
Best Flo Sewer & Drain

118 Division Ave
Blue Point, NY, 11715, United States


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